「深度自然遊 Deep Nature Play」系列活動主網站:https://www.gaia.org.hk/deepnatureplay2017/

Affective Nature Education focus on the experience – “to learn, more experience, less analyze”. Wish all people who is joining the convention & public talk on 26 Oct, can experience on affective nature education – feeling the love, joy and happiness of affective nature education though the deep nature play. Five special and popular routes have been selected by Gaia Association to let all participants experiencing the day & night nature in a completely new perspective and deeper way.

Medium of instructions: Cantonese with Mandarin / English translation


路線一 Route 1

體驗主題Theme: 黑夜與螢火蟲 Dark & Firefly

地點 Location : 慈沙古道 Kowloon

主導師 Instructor: 知秋 Zhiqiu –自然協會總幹事 CEO of Gaia Association

日期 Date:4/11/2017 (星期六 Sat)

時間 Time: 5pm – 9:30pm


費用 Fee: 每位$250 HKD 250 per person


Experience the silence and calm in the ancient road at darkness nature night. Deep play with firefly with the heart, experience how the lives are connected thought deep nature walk.


*是次的活動須知,請參閱下方的PDF 連結

路線二 Route 2

體驗主題Theme: 黑夜、星光、山海 Dark, Starry Sky, Mountain & Sea

地點 Location: 西貢 Sai Kung

主導師 Instructor: 清水 Qing Shui – 自然協會創辦人 Founder of Gaia Association

日期 Date:4/11/2017 (星期六 Sat)

時間 Time: 5pm – 9:30pm


費用 Fee: 每位$250 HKD 250 per person


Endless nature cycles, the darkness brings out gathering mystery and dynamic power. Let’s experience how darkness, mountain, sea and starry sky can nurture your life.


*是次的活動須知,請參閱下方的PDF 連結

路線三 Route 3

體驗主題 Theme: 森林 Forest

地點Location: 大埔滘 Taipo

主導師: 海星 Star Fish – 鄉師自然學校校長 Headmaster of RTC Gaia School; 自然協會幹事 Committee Member of Gaia Association

日期Date:5/11/2017 (星期日 Sun)

時間Time:9:30am – 5:00pm


費用 Fee: 每位$250 HKD 250 per person


Walk into the forest and wildland, experience how human being and nature are being connected. With the bird & river stream, experience how flow learning bringing fun nature games.


*是次的活動須知,請參閱下方的PDF 連結

路線四 Route 4

體驗主題Theme: 海濱草坪 Seaside & Grassland

地點 Location: 粉嶺鹿頸 Fanling

主導師: 海鳥 Sea Bird – 第四屆大地行者 4th Earth Walker

日期Date:5/11/2017 (星期日 Sun)

時間Time:9:30am – 5:00pm


費用 Fee: 每位$250 HKD 250 per person


Play on the grassland that full of trees, enjoy the joyful interaction with the nature. Sharing the nature with the hearts.


*是次的活動須知,請參閱下方的PDF 連結

路線五 Route 5

體驗主題 Theme: 山林高原 Plateau

地點 Location: 馬鞍山 Ma On Shan

主導師: 澤山 Chak Shan – 第一屆進階大地行者 1st Intermediate Earth Walker; 自然協會幹事 Committee Member of Gaia Association

日期Date:5/11/2017 (星期日 Sun)

時間Time:9:30am – 5:00pm


費用 Fee: 每位$250 HKD 250 per person


Take off the shoes to feel the Ma On Shan plateau, experience the deep connection between human beings and mother earth.


*是次的活動須知,請參閱下方的PDF 連結


  • 體驗自然旅程(一)至(五) – 活動須知 [下載PDF]
  • 體驗自然旅程(一)至(五) – 情意素食野餐指引 [下載PDF]

網上報名Online Registration:http://bit.ly/deepnatureplay
購票條款及細則 Terms and Conditions of Ticket Ordering:https://www.gaia.org.hk/deepnatureplay2017/terms-and-conditions/
查詢Enquiry:電話/WhatsApp (852) 5313-2773

付款方法 Payment Method

方法一 Method 1:
銀行入數: 匯豐銀行賬號︰030- 4- 259237 (留通知書及轉賬紀錄 whatsapp 5313 2773 / 電郵至[email protected])
Bank Transfer to HSBC Account 0304259237 and then WhatsApp the receipt to 5313 2773 / Email the receipt to [email protected]

方法二 Method 2:
支票抬頭: 自然協會(慈善)有限公司,郵寄至”新界屯門新墟井頭上村87A 自然協會收”
Cheque Payee to “Gaia Association (Charity) Limited. Postal Cheque to “Gaia Association, 87A, DD131, Tseng Tau Sheung Tsuen, San Hui, Tuen Mun, N.T.”

主辦機構 Organizer 

自然協會 | Gaia Association

協辦機構 Co-organizers

(排名不分先後 in no particular order)

[one_third last=”no” class=”” id=””]

鄉師自然學校 | RTC Gaia School

自然脈絡 | Natural Network

香港教育專業人員協會 | Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union

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北京燕山學堂 | Beijing Yanshan School


好家庭菜園 | Good Family Farm

[/one_third][one_third last=”yes” class=”” id=””]




場地贊助 Venue Sponsor

香港理工大學校園可持續發展處 | Campus Sustainability Office, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

場地提供 Venue Support

綠匯學苑 | Green Hub

支持媒體 Media Partner

國家地理雜誌 | National Geographic

支持機構及團體 Supporters

(排名不分先後 in no particular order)

[one_third last=”no” class=”” id=””]

我們製作 | DECT Production

YoungTAG 教協青年教師組 | YoungTAG HKPTU Young Teachers’ Group


綠野林 | Greenwoods

香港體驗教育聯盟 | Hong Kong League for Experiential Education

健康工房 | HealthWorks

樂農 | Happy Veggies

[/one_third] [one_third last=”no” class=”” id=””]

哈佛提素 | Harvester

一念素食 | Bijas Vegetarian Restaurant

良籽 | GoodNuts

Happy Ours CAFÉ

全民教育局 | HKEd4All

嶺航戶外歷奇 | Rover Adventure

康盈堂自然健康中心 | Love & Care Centre

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共享自然中國 | Sharing Nature China

樂緣心靈工作坊 | Joy Love Club

亞太樹葉演奏欣賞網絡 | Asia-Pacific Leaf-whistling Appreciation Network

自然遊樂 | Nature Play in the City

天心悅圓 | Green Tara Home


教育大同 | EDiversity

山旅學會 | Venture Society


禮賢會恩慈學校 | Rhenish Church Grace School
