「深度自然遊 Deep Nature Play」系列活動主網站:https://www.gaia.org.hk/deepnatureplay2017/

Nature Education Organization would share the experience and vision on how to apply nature education in Hong Kong & China, to let the public understand more the present and future of affective nature education development.

日期:26/10/2017 (星期四)
Date: 26/10/2017 Thursday
Time: 2:30pm – 5:30pm
Language: Cantonese or Mandarin Speaking

分享嘉賓:Guest Speakers
香港 — 自然協會創辦人清水、鄉師自然學校校長海星、自然脈絡創辦人野人、好家庭菜園代表阿風、綠腳丫創辦人長頸鹿
國內 — 北京燕山學堂負責人陽光、種籽心田自然工作室負責人晨林

地點: 大埔綠匯學苑Green Hub香港新界大埔運頭角里11 號
費用: 每位$250
Fee: HKD 250 per person

網上報名Online Registration:http://bit.ly/deepnatureplay
購票條款及細則 Terms and Conditions of Ticket Ordering:https://www.gaia.org.hk/deepnatureplay2017/terms-and-conditions/
查詢Enquiry:電話/WhatsApp (852) 5313-2773

付款方法 Payment Method

方法一 Method 1:
銀行入數: 匯豐銀行賬號︰030- 4- 259237 (留通知書及轉賬紀錄 whatsapp 5313 2773 / 電郵至[email protected])
Bank Transfer to HSBC Account 0304259237 and then WhatsApp the receipt to 5313 2773 / Email the receipt to [email protected]

方法二 Method 2:
支票抬頭: 自然協會(慈善)有限公司,郵寄至”新界屯門新墟井頭上村87A 自然協會收”
Cheque Payee to “Gaia Association (Charity) Limited. Postal Cheque to “Gaia Association, 87A, DD131, Tseng Tau Sheung Tsuen, San Hui, Tuen Mun, N.T.”

主辦機構 Organizer 

自然協會 | Gaia Association

協辦機構 Co-organizers

(排名不分先後 in no particular order)

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鄉師自然學校 | RTC Gaia School

自然脈絡 | Natural Network

香港教育專業人員協會 | Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union

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北京燕山學堂 | Beijing Yanshan School


好家庭菜園 | Good Family Farm

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場地贊助 Venue Sponsor


香港理工大學校園可持續發展處 | Campus Sustainability Office, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

場地提供 Venue Support

綠匯學苑 | Green Hub

支持媒體 Media Partner

國家地理雜誌 | National Geographic

支持機構及團體 Supporters

(排名不分先後 in no particular order)

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我們製作 | DECT Production

YoungTAG 教協青年教師組 | YoungTAG HKPTU Young Teachers’ Group


綠野林 | Greenwoods

香港體驗教育聯盟 | Hong Kong League for Experiential Education

健康工房 | HealthWorks

樂農 | Happy Veggies

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哈佛提素 | Harvester

一念素食 | Bijas Vegetarian Restaurant

良籽 | GoodNuts

Happy Ours CAFÉ

全民教育局 | HKEd4All

嶺航戶外歷奇 | Rover Adventure

康盈堂自然健康中心 | Love & Care Centre

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共享自然中國 | Sharing Nature China

樂緣心靈工作坊 | Joy Love Club

亞太樹葉演奏欣賞網絡 | Asia-Pacific Leaf-whistling Appreciation Network

自然遊樂 | Nature Play in the City

天心悅圓 | Green Tara Home


教育大同 | EDiversity

山旅學會 | Venture Society


禮賢會恩慈學校 | Rhenish Church Grace School
